4 Steps To Overcome Self-Doubt About Your Ability To Lead

Overcome self-doubt about your ability to lead

Over the past several months I’ve had some interesting conversations with leaders who attended one of my keynotes or workshops. In particular, what was noteworthy was this common thread underlining each of these conversations. Whether it was a middle-level manager or an executive from the C-suite, in each of these interactions I couldn’t help but note the sense of self-doubt these leaders expressed about their continued ability to lead.

Of course, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, considering what we’ve all had to endure the past two years and now in the face of an ongoing tug-of-war over what the future of work will look like between employers and their employees. While change and uncertainty has been present for several years now, as it many other things, the pandemic has only served to magnify them.

Now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing – so long as you view this sense of self-doubt about your ability to lead through the right lens. To that end, in this latest Leadership Espresso Shot I share four simple measures leaders can take to help them overcome  self-doubt about their ability to lead, something that as I’ve seen first hand becomes more pronounced when we’re facing uncertainty and radical change.

I hope you’ll check it out and let me know how you’ve dealt with those moments of self-doubt about the ability to lead.

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