The Top Five SEO Mistakes


If you are running a website online, it’s essential that you do everything you can to make sure that you rank on Google. The way to make sure that you do that is to invest in your search engine optimization. Simply put, this means ensuring that you put the right steps in place on your website to allow your website to rank on the first results page of Google for the keywords that you want to be known for. Nonetheless, a lot of people make some crucial mistakes when working on their SEO strategies. This guide has been created to make sure that you don’t make these mistakes. Read on now for everything that you need to know.  

Outdated Outbound Links  

One way to get your page to rank higher on Google is to have outbound links on your page. Nonetheless, the internet is constantly changing, with some websites unable to last over time. This means that some of the links that you have made might now link to websites that no longer exist, resulting in a poor user experience. That’s why it’s important to go through your content once every few months to make sure that these links still work.  

Poorly Written Content  

Some people focus so hard on making sure that their SEO is on point that they actually forget one of the main reasons people come onto a website. Simply put, the user wants to read well-written and informative content in and of itself. If you fail to write good and descriptive content that is actually interesting, you could find your website punished as a result.   

Poor Equipment  

When you create content and make sure that you SEO optimize it, it is essential that you are using the right equipment. This is especially true when it comes to the computer or the laptop that you use. If you are using a poor one, it is going to be hard and take longer to create the SEO strategy that truly makes your website or company sing. Take a look at these computers for students here for better replacements. 

Forgetting SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions  

When people search for a term online and see the results, they will see both the SEO title and meta description of a website first. If you are serious about making your pages rank, then it is absolutely essential that you include both SEO title and meta description and to make sure that your keyword is included in both sections. Otherwise, it’s unlikely that you will appear on Google. To ensure you’re in the know with every change Google makes, keep up-to-date with their latest documentation updates.   

Keyword Spamming  

If you want to rank for a particular word, it is definitely important to include it in your articles. With that said, if you spam the word multiple times within the same article, then it is likely that Google will punish you for keyword spamming. That’s why it’s a much better idea to aim for a frequency between 1-2%. Any higher, and you could definitely be getting in trouble.  

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