The following is a guest piece by Mike Myatt.
It is my sincere hope that those who read my latest book, “Hacking Leadership”, will use it to as a tool to plow a path to significance, not merely success. Some would say that any discussion along this topic line is nothing more than a debate over semantics. However, it is my opinion that those who hold this view truly don’t understand the difference between the two, and are simply attempting to blur lines in order to feel better about themselves.
Harsh? Perhaps, but I’ll let you be the judge. In today’s post I’ll attempt to clearly lay out the differences between success and significance, and why you’ll be better off setting your sites on the latter and not the former…
I believe “success” can be a very dangerous thing in a vacuum…You see, success is in the eye of the beholder, whereas significance is a view of you that is held by others. Complicating matters further, I believe few successful people actually make the transition to significance, but every person of significance is successful. I want to frame my thoughts on the topic of significance by beginning with an excerpt from my first book “Leadership Matters…The CEO Survival Manual”:
“By the time you reach the CEO level you should be striving to move beyond success and towards significance. You need to use your network, your fiscal resources, your experience and intellect, as well as your passion to create a legacy that transcends your title… If it seems trite to be asking you to ponder if you are in fact leaving things better than you found them, then I would suggest that you reconsider your values and your vision.
As a CEO you have the ability to influence positive changes, and to make contributions well beyond those who have not been afforded the same opportunities, and it would be nothing short of tragic for you not to clearly understand this.
While it is never too late to begin thinking about finishing well, the simple truth of the matter is that the longer you wait to begin thinking on a significant level, the less significant your legacy will be.”
My hope in authoring this post is to have you adjust your thinking when it comes to the definition of success. My clients usually tend to be successful individuals prior to finding me. My goal is to simply help them leverage their success into becoming significant individuals over the course of our dealings.
The sad reality is that far too many people either confuse success with significance, or they are so focused on success that they are actually blind to the meaning of significance. The simple truth of the matter is that with the proper focus you can have your cake and eat it too.
Just take a look around and you’ll see that most people use their knowledge, resources, and experience to acquire things in an attempt to satisfy their personal desires, which in their minds constitutes success. Contrast this with the people that use their knowledge, resources, and experience to serve and benefit others, which by my standards constitutes significance.
Just as success must be defined before it can be achieved, so must significance. While both require sacrifice, success comes at a great price and is often based upon the compromise of values. Significance on the other hand is driven by personal values and is a gift that cannot be purchased.
It is my opinion that when you start to define your personal success by the value you add to the lives of others you have arrived as a mature human being who possesses true influence and has become a person of significance.
My challenge to you is this…set the chinning bar very high for yourself by re-evaluating your goals and objectives to insure that you are on a path towards significance. Don’t allow yourself to become blinded by your success, rather leverage your success in an attempt to make a lasting and significant legacy for which you and your family can be proud.
Mike Myatt is America’s Top CEO Coach, recognized by Thinkers50 as a global authority on the topic of leadership, a Forbes leadership columnist, author of Leadership Matters, and CEO at N2growth. His new book, “Hacking Leadership: The 11 Gaps Every Business Needs to Close and the Secrets to Closing Them Quickly”, is now available on Amazon.
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Well said!
Thanks for sharing "Hacking Leadership" with your readers Tanveer. Happy Holidays Sir!
Hi Mike,
It's my genuine pleasure; I'm delighted to finally have the opportunity to share your insights on leadership with my readers. We haven't had much opportunities to connect this year, but you know how much I value and respect your insights on leadership.
Wishing you and your family the very best for the holidays, my friend. And congratulations on the launch of your new book.
Truly great insights about leadership.
I loved this article. I think it's a far better approach in today's social realm and with the changing times.
Interesting to draw a distinction between success and significance
At the risk of sounding like an ageing hippy does it really matter? If I think I am successful and am happy with that isn't it more than enough?
It was a thought-provoking post