Is Fear Preventing Your Success?

Is fear preventing success

Do you have a job that offers no room for advancement causing you to stress over paying bills? If you aren’t happy with your circumstances but feel like you have no other options, you’re not alone. Many people’s fear of losing their reliable income is costing them the opportunity to have a better quality of life. 

If you are in this situation, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can change your life and make a better future for yourself.

The Worst That Can Happen

Drifting through life without fulfilling your true worth is doing a disservice to yourself. You have abilities that set you apart yet you choose to let others lead. Taking risks is necessary to achieve financial success. If you fail, you pick yourself up and start again. Do this enough times and you will find success. 

Think About the Benefits

It’s scary for some to go from a reliable income to self-employed. Instead of focusing on the “what ifs,” try focusing on the benefits of self-employment. You will be the boss. This means no more taking direction from others. You decide when to work, allowing for a flexible schedule. If you need to take time off, there’s no permission necessary, you make the call. Your earnings are unlimited, no more stagnant wages or building up the courage to ask for a raise required. Land a good job and you reap the financial benefits.

Higher Education

Taking control of your life means that you set yourself up for success. A way to reduce the risk of venturing on your own is to earn a degree while employed. For example, if you currently work in construction take management classes. Construction management schools will give you the tools you need to advance your career. 

Create Savings

Being frugal by reducing spending and looking for ways to pay less for everyday expenses will allow you to save money. Eliminating cable or reducing it to the basic service and bundling home and auto insurance are a few ways to free up a couple hundred each month. Using coupons at the grocery store and buying store brands will offer additional savings. 

Stay in Place

You need to have at least three months’ worth of your bills in reserve as a cushion while developing your business. Staying at your current job for a few months will allow you to transition without any additional income. Doing this will make it easier to leave your current employment and begin life self-employed. 

Create a Business Plan

In any business, starting off of the right foot is critical. Create a comprehensive business plan ahead of leaving your current employment. Make sure to factor in all your expenses, have carefully crafted marketing ideas, and set achievable short-term and long-term goals. 

Pursuing Happiness

Working for an employer often leaves you feeling empty. You have abilities and good ideas, yet they never surface. On the job you also have to deal with many different personalities, some good, others not so good. When you work for yourself that changes. Even if you hire employees, they are the people you pick. If they don’t provide a good fit for the business, you have the ability to let them go.

Living the Dream

For many years your contribution to the job helped the owner achieve their dream of financial wealth. When you work for yourself, you can transform your dream into a reality. It’s very gratifying to achieve success as a small business owner. You put a lot of time into it and when the rewards surface, you feel good about yourself. 

Fear doesn’t have to dictate your life. Use it to make you aware of the risks involved with self-employment, instead of a way to avoid making the change. Adopting a positive mindset will position you to achieve success. 

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