How Leaders Guide Struggling Employees To Improve Their Performance

How to help struggling employees improve performance

One of the biggest challenges – and at times, headaches – you’ll have as a leader is having to deal with an employee who’s under-performing.

Of course, it’s not just leaders – we’ve all had experience working on teams where there was one person who wasn’t doing their part to help carry the team’s load.

As employees, it’s easy for us to be annoyed and frustrated with these colleagues of ours. But as a leader, it’s your responsibility to help struggling employees to improve their performance.

But with so many demands and tasks on their plate, how can leaders address the problems one struggling employee creates for their team?

In this latest instalment in my Leadership Espresso Shot series, I share lessons inspired from work I did to revive a rose plant in my garden that reveal how you can help a struggling employee improve their performance to once again become a valued member of their team.

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