5 reasons why those who fit in the middle of an organization's hierarchy should view their placement as an opportunity to take on a leadership role.

5 Ways You Can Choose To Lead From The Middle

“As you travel through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole.” – Anonymous Like the hole in the doughnut, it’s easy to look for what’s lacking instead of what’s present. Usually it’s one of the first instincts we have when contemplating … Click to continue reading

Discover why transformational leadership matters and how to become a transformational leader in your organization.

How To Develop Yourself As A Transformational Leader

The following is a guest piece by Nancy Chavira. Transformational leadership is an innovative way of leading others within a company. It’s different to other forms of leadership in that it encourages self-growth, ultimately for the betterment of the business. Without being a prime role model for colleagues and people … Click to continue reading