
Lessons On Effective Leadership From A Nobel Laureate

Since writing about the nature of success and failure, I’ve had a number of colleagues express interest in discussing the process of experimentation with me, given my background in the sciences field. While experimentation is certainly a cornerstone in science, these conversations also allowed me to remind others of another … Click to continue reading

How Can We Learn To Value Failure?

In my previous piece, I wrote about how we can ascertain what success really looks like beyond simply attempting to duplicate the efforts or accomplishments of those we admire. Given how much this piece resonated with my readers, I’d like to follow this up by addressing the other side of … Click to continue reading

Are You An Original Leader Or A Copycat Leader?

Last week, much of the business and technology world was abuzz over a US court’s landmark decision against Samsung that it had violated some of Apple’s software and design copyrights. While the decision is certainly far from final – with Samsung already announcing that they will appeal the decision – … Click to continue reading

Why Good Managers Need To Power Down

I’m delighted to share this guest post from Henry Mintzberg and Peter Todd, one of the professors and Deans from my alma mater, McGill University. Do you ever disconnect, even for just a few minutes? Think about the last time you used your “off button.” Was it at home over … Click to continue reading