Leadership Biz Cafe - Matthew E May

How Leaders Can Encourage Creativity And Innovation

In today’s increasingly competitive, global market, it’s understandable why so many leaders are trying to figure out how to foster innovation in their organizations. So how is it that some organizations seem to thrive on the cutting edge while others can barely get their innovative initiatives off the ground? That’s … Click to continue reading

The Impact Of Leaders On Personal Transformation

The following is a guest piece by Bill Treasurer. A lot has been written about Transformational Leadership. The term was coined by James McGregor Burns, the Pulitzer Prize winning author and historian. In his book “Leadership” he talks about the transformational impact that occurs on performance and morale when a … Click to continue reading

Employee Engagement Is Everyone’s Job

The following is a guest piece by Kevin Kruse. “Hey, why is it always up to the manager to increase engagement?” Shirley had thrust up her hand and didn’t wait for me to call on her before blurting out her question. She continued, “The person who always complains about ‘communication’ … Click to continue reading

Do You Give Your Power Away At Work?

Are we giving away our power when we show up at work? It’s a question that came to mind following a thought-provoking conversation I had with Kathy Caprino about a recent piece she had written about tapping into our power to achieve a sense of happiness and fulfilment. Through our … Click to continue reading

Lessons On Effective Leadership From A Nobel Laureate

Since writing about the nature of success and failure, I’ve had a number of colleagues express interest in discussing the process of experimentation with me, given my background in the sciences field. While experimentation is certainly a cornerstone in science, these conversations also allowed me to remind others of another … Click to continue reading

How Can We Learn To Value Failure?

In my previous piece, I wrote about how we can ascertain what success really looks like beyond simply attempting to duplicate the efforts or accomplishments of those we admire. Given how much this piece resonated with my readers, I’d like to follow this up by addressing the other side of … Click to continue reading

5 Keys For Developing An Employee Engagement Strategy

The following is a guest post by Employee Recognition Director at Hallmark Business Connections, Jonathan McClellan. A recent global workforce study by Towers Watson suggests that although traditional employee engagement strategies help foster high performance, companies must now also consider how to sustain higher levels of employee engagement over time … Click to continue reading

This Year, Be Ready

With the arrival of a new year, many of us are naturally caught up in the annual tradition of making resolutions for what we’d like to accomplish over the course of the next 12 months. Regardless of whether we actually commit to achieving these goals beyond the next few weeks … Click to continue reading