Leadership Biz Cafe - Braden Kelly

How Leaders Can Successfully Drive Change

In today’s faster paced, interconnected world, there’s little doubt that change is the new reality; the new standard by which we now have to operate. But if leaders recognize change as being a new constant in our organization’s field of view, why then are so many leaders struggling to effectively … Click to continue reading

My Top 10 Leadership Insights Of 2015

In my penultimate article from 2015, I made the point that in answering the question “where do we go from here?”, we have to look back on the journey we’ve taken and what lessons and insights we’ve learned that can help us as we move forward. So for my first … Click to continue reading

Honouring Our Commitment To Show Up

For the past several years, one constant of my leadership blog has been the fact that I publish new leadership insights every Tuesday throughout the year. It’s something that’s important not just for my readers as it allows them to know when to expect my latest leadership piece, but it … Click to continue reading

Where Do We Go From Here?

As 2015 begins to wind down, many of us – myself included – are understandably eager to wrap up the remaining work threads of this year so we can shift our focus to what we’d like to achieve and move forward with in the New Year. Indeed, researchers at Wharton … Click to continue reading

5 Critical Factors For Building The Right Team

The following is a guest piece from former Microsoft President and Chief Xbox Officer, Robbie Bach. As someone who absolutely loves sports, I follow the fortunes of various teams and often wonder what makes some more successful than others. Certainly, there are times where it is all about certain players … Click to continue reading