Best College Majors For Introverts

Careers for introverts

If you’re an introvert, you might be wondering what college major is the best choice for your personality type. Well, you’re in luck! Let’s explore what college majors are best for introverts.


Architecture school may be an ideal option for an introvert for several reasons. Introverts tend to be very in tune with people’s wants and needs. Architecture requires a lot of analysis and numbers-crunching — which you can easily do from a quiet office.


Accountants spend the majority of their time working by themselves to prepare tax documents, financial reports, and other documents. It’s important for them to get these mathematical processes right, so it’s best to avoid outside distractions when possible. Therefore, accounting can make the perfect major for an introvert!


Most psychology majors spend a lot of time learning by themselves or in small group settings. In the real world, it’s important for them to be insightful and thoughtful when it comes to providing therapy. This can make introverts the perfect candidates for this college major.


You might guess that lawyers are usually extroverts, but this isn’t generally the case. In fact, about 60% of lawyers are introverted. Lawyers tend to spend a lot of time working alone where they read, write, and think to better serve their clients.

Since law school itself requires a lot of studying, that makes it ideal for people who prefer to spend a lot of time alone.

Computer science/IT

People who work in computer science and Information Technology (IT) tend to spend a lot of hours alone working on computer codes and processes. They often work alone in an office and sometimes only communicate by phone. In college, they tend to study alone or in small groups to learn the processes, codes, and other information they’ll use in their careers. This career path can be perfect for an introvert.

Diagnostic radiology

Although radiologists do work with patients, they generally don’t interact with them very much. A lot of their work is done behind the scenes. They spend a lot of their time alone reading CAT scans, X-rays, and MRIs to help diagnose patients.


Marketing is a career that’s ideal for introverts since they tend to work from a quiet office or from home to figure out how to best provide marketing services to their clients.

In some jobs, marketers sometimes work in groups to come up with the best marketing strategies, making this career choice ideal for social introverts.

Technical writer

Technical writers work to provide technical documents and manuals to companies that require fact-based, analytical information. They tend to work for pharmaceutical companies or government agencies. Most of their time is spent working alone, either in offices or from their own homes.

Veterinary science

Becoming a veterinarian can be a great option for introverts. The reason? More of their time is spent with animals than with people. Isn’t this every introvert’s dream? Okay, okay, you have to deal with their owners, too — but your empathy can make you a great candidate for this job, which can be emotionally gruelling, at times.


Photographers spend their time shooting and editing photos. Although some do tend to spend a lot of time with clients (think wedding photographers), others provide portraits of art and nature. You can work from your own home or studio, which allows you to make your own schedule. This allows you to decide just how much time you want to spend working with other people.

These are just a few college majors that can be ideal for introverted individuals. No matter what interests you, there’s a college major out there to suit your needs!

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