6 Ways To Use Weights In Your At-Home Gym

Weights at home gym

Creating a home gym is the perfect way to stay on top of your fitness goals. There are many barriers that keep people from staying consistent with a workout routine. One of them is time and another is the inconvenience and expense of going to the gym. Working out in public can also leave some people feeling a little anxious. By doing home workouts, you can rest assured that no one is watching you and that you can get the fitness you want and need. You might know that you need to do cardiovascular workouts and have a plan for that, but what about strength training using weight? Here are 6 ways to use weights in your at-home gym.

Weighted squats

Squats are one of the best exercises for your thigh (quadriceps) and gluteal muscles. Once you do them regularly, they will start to feel easy. Adding weight with a set of rubber coated dumbbells increases resistance and helps you build more strength in your legs and glutes. You simply hold them in your hands with your arms extended downwards as you squat.

Chest presses

Not everyone can afford a weight bench with a barbell and all the large weights that come with it. But most people can get a set of heavier hand weights. By laying on the floor at home and using your weights you can mimic the same workout motions that you would get either from a chest press machine or a barbell workout.

Simple shoulder presses

You don’t need a fancy machine to get strong shoulders. Using hand weights can help you increase your muscle mass. Holding a hand weight in each hand, put them at shoulder height. With palms facing forward, extend your arms to slowly lift the weights over your head until they touch, Then slowly lower them back to shoulder height.

Weighted calf raises

Want legs that look great in heels or have the strength you need to run? Weighted calf raises help to strengthen your calf muscles and help improve the look of your lower legs. These exercises also improve your ankle strength and balance which can help protect you from injury. Hold a hand weight in each hand and leave your arms resting at your sides. With your feet at hip-width apart, slowly move into a tiptoe position. Lower your heels back to the ground. Repeat for as many reps as you can.

Strengthen your biceps

Improving the muscle strength in your upper arms is a mixture of biceps, triceps, and even shoulder exercises. Hold a weight in each hand with your palms facing forward. Pin your elbows to your side and slowly raise the weights to shoulder height using the muscles in your upper arms. Slowly lower them back to the starting position. Bicep curls are a simple, but effective way to improve muscle tone and create strong muscles. If you’re a woman and you’re worried about looking too bulky, don’t fret, even lifting heavier hand weights won’t leave you looking like a bodybuilder unless you want to.

Use weights to improve balance

People underestimate how important balance is for physical health. They either hyper-focus on cardiovascular exercises or building muscles. Both of which are critical, but balance is another vital thing to work on. There are many ways to use weights to improve balance. You can do one-legged stands with weights. You can also try weighted knee curls using a raised surface and a hand weight.  Improving your balance is an indicator of good core strength and can help you if you slip and need to catch yourself or you find yourself losing your balance regularly.

Before you start any workout it’s always good to get a physical from a medical professional to ensure you are healthy enough to start. Additionally, working with a personal trainer or finding workout videos online can help you learn new skills and proper form. You’ll protect your body from injury when you use the correct form. In weight lifting, form is more important than how much you can do. Additionally, learning to stretch is another way to improve your health from home and to help your weight training sessions. Stretching muscles improves their flexibility and their strength.

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