6 Ways That Personal Hobbies Improve Your Health

Hobbies and health

There is a lot of talk about health and mental health these days. More and more people are experiencing bouts of anxiety and depression at least once in their lives and many stressful jobs contribute to this cycle. While there are plenty of medical solutions out there between medications and therapy, sometimes, people need to cultivate a lifestyle that helps them through hard feelings in the first place. One of the ways to do this is to get a hobby. Personal hobbies are those things that you do just for the joy and love of it. It’s the woodworking hobby in your garage. Growing the garden in your backyard. Learning how to play golf or how to surf. All of these hobbies and more have incredible health benefits and can improve your mental health. Here’s how.

Hobbies reduce stress

We live in a world of stress. There are strains at work that cause us to feel overwhelmed. Driving to work can cause stress from the traffic. Worry about how your family is going to have enough when you’re faced with rising costs. These are all some of the things that people often find themselves seeking relief from at the bottom of a bottle. While drinking a glass of alcohol may have a few benefits when done on occasion, a much healthier option would be to find a hobby. Studies show that the sheer fact that you are doing something you love just for the joy of it can lead to improved mental health and less stress.

Hobbies help you set goals

While you may be used to setting goals at work, nothing compares to setting personal goals and achieving them. Want to cultivate a favourite flower? Imagine the rush of joy when it finally grows in your backyard. Want to run a race? Imagine the exhilaration the first time you cross the finish line. Why is goal setting so good? It creates positive reinforcement in your brain when you reach a goal. It’s a little rush of dopamine that helps your brain experience more joy.

Hobbies reduce your blood pressure

Some hobbies are more effective than others at this, but it’s been shown that when people work on a hobby like building custom guitars or going fishing can lower their blood pressure. This has numerous health benefits but among them is lower rates of anxiety and depression.

Hobbies help you make friends

The thing about a hobby is that sometimes you meet other people who love to do what you do. And because of the shared activity, you eventually become friends. Friendships can help people stave off feelings of loneliness that could lead to depression. Positive friendships are known to help people improve their mental health and reduce rates of depression. These friendships can also become lifelong and more like family over time.

Hobbies help you prioritize your time

Most people complain about not having enough time for things, but the truth is that many spend their time wastefully instead of using it wisely. Having a hobby reduces the likelihood that you’ll spend too much time on social media or just binge-watching TV. Hobbies help you prioritize your time better. You’re more likely to schedule a time to do your hobby if it’s something you truly love rather than just waiting for the time to do it. This means that other things in your life may need to become more scheduled as well. Sticking to a schedule helps to improve some people’s mental health because they feel more in control over their life. Instead of it just happening to them, they are proactively creating the life they desire.

Hobbies improve your mood

How would you like to have an overall sense of well-being in your life? This feeling helps people feel safe, secure, and like they are going to be okay. Doing a hobby on a regular basis helps people get this feeling. Well-being is hard to quantify but it shows up in better moods, and people experience more peace. It also helps adults feel like they have something for themselves. Parents can benefit from having their own hobbies as well. It gives them something to do just for them, and when their kids see them enjoying life, it gives them a healthier perspective of adulthood. 

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